[België] Gevangenen op het dak, gewonde bewakers

Via: Belga
Vertaald uit het Frans door ABC Gent

Lantin: na de incidenten van deze vrijdagavond waarbij 3 gevangenisbewakers gewond raakten, werd een stakingsbericht ingediend
Belga, 27 maart 2020

Het gemeenschappelijke vakbondsfront van de bewakers van de gevangenis van Lantin (Juprelle) diende vrijdagavond een stakingsbericht in naar aanleiding van de incidenten die ‘s avonds in de gevangenis plaatsvonden. Drie personeelsleden werd eind vrijdag per ambulance weggevoerd nadat ze door verschillende gedetineerden waren lastiggevallen. Dezelfde avond konden ze het ziekenhuis verlaten.

Van vrijdag 22.00 uur tot zaterdag 22.00 uur functioneert de gevangenis met minimale dienstverlening. Verschillende gevangenen probeerden een muur te beklimmen toen ze vrijdag uit de binnenplaats kwamen. Een van hen viel en raakte gewond. Toen het gevangenispersoneel hem kwam ‘redden’, vielen verschillende gevangenen hen aan en mishandelden hen. Drie van de agenten zijn per ambulance naar het ziekenhuis vervoerd, aldus de vakbondsvertegenwoordiger. Ze konden ‘s avonds naar huis terugkeren.

Zes andere gevangenen verborgen zich op het dak van de gevangenis. Om 19.30 uur zaten de gevangenen nog op het dak. Ter plaatse werd politie-versterking verwacht.

Met de Corona-pandemie heeft de gevangenis van Lantin de afgelopen dagen, net als andere, met toenemende spanning te maken gehad. De gevangenen worden 23 uur per dag opgesloten in cellen, bezoeken worden geweigerd en alle activiteiten binnen de gevangenis zijn afgeschaft.

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[Berlin, Germany] Vuur in de gevangenissen, brand voor de profiteurs.

Via: Sans Attendre Demain
Vertaald door ABC Gent

Solidariteit in actie met de beklaagden van het proces in Hamburg en met de gevangenen in opstand.
De processen voor de G20-beklaagden en de openbare bank gaan door. De voertuigen van gevangenis werkers branden tijdens de Berlijnse “Corona-avonden”.
Dat is het minste wat we kunnen doen gezien de opstanden van de afgelopen weken in verschillende gevangenissen over de hele wereld [1]:

9 maart: opstand in 27 gevangenissen in Italië, minstens 8 gevangenen gedood, waaronder 6 in Modena.
Half maart: rellen in verschillende Spaanse gevangenissen, met name in Brians.
19 maart: opstand in de gevangenis van Santiago de Chile.
Sinds 21 maart: opstanden in 13 gevangenissen in Colombia, 23 gevangenen gedood, meerdere ontsnappingen.
23 maart: ontsnapping van 9 gevangenen uit de vrouwengevangenis in South Dakota in de Verenigde Staten.
Eind maart, begin april: massale opstanden en ontsnappingen in gevangenissen in Iran.
6 april: muiterij in de gevangenis van Córdoba in Agentine.
Confrontaties in de Qoubbeh-gevangenis in Tripoli, Libanon.
9 april: Muiterij in Angarsk (Irkutsk) in Rusland.
Half april: staking in de gevangenis van Korydallos, opstand in de vrouwengevangenis van Eleonas in Griekenland. [2]

Op 18 april ging op de Falkplatz in Prenzlauer Berg een GA-tec-busje in vlammen op, drie dagen later een Eurovia Vinci-voertuig op het station van Lichtenberg. GA tec maakt deel uit van het Sodexo-consortium, dat particuliere gevangenissen in Engeland exploiteert en deel uitmaakt van de illegale uitzettingsindustrie in Duitsland. Eurovia Vinci bouwt gevangenissen en andere schadelijke projecten en runt samen met Toll-Collect een particuliere beveiligingsdienst. Deze twee bedrijven worden regelmatig over de hele wereld aangevallen en stellen zich op als doelwit van langdurige acties. […]

Vrijheid voor de gevangenen, ondergang voor zij die ervan profiteren!

Autonome groepen.

[1] Opstanden zijn ook uitgebroken in gevangenissen in Frankrijk en België.
[2] De revolutionaire gevangene Pola Roupa, door de AP ervan beschuldigd op initiatief van de krijgsstrijd in Korydallos te zijn geweest, werd begin april overgebracht naar de Eleonas-gevangenis in Thebe. Zie het artikel in het Engels voor Act for Freedom Now! erover.

Verkoold Eurovia voertuig

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[USA] Is Prison Authorities’ Real Plan ‘Let the prisoners die’?

via: 325

Like many of you in the free world, I have been monitoring closely the daily COVID-19 briefings broadcast from the White House. I have also been observing and analyzing the propaganda disseminated by the mainstream media in regard to the deadly pandemic.

What has been missing from the presidential daily briefings and news media platforms such as CNN and Fox News is any mention of the effect COVID-19 has had on Amerika’s world leading prison population.

There has been a glaring lack of transparency and accountability in regard to what is actually happening inside both federal prisons and immigration detention centers as well as state prisons all across the United Snakes of Amerika. With your mutual aid and solidarity, I will attempt to fill that void in reporting.

I am an older Black man who is currently incarcerated at a high security federal prison in Louisiana, USP Pollock. A few miles down the road from USP Pollock is a low security federal prison known as FCI Oakdale.

The most recent data and information coming out of FCI Oakdale reports over 60 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and at least 10 deaths. I request that all of you reading this report help confirm these numbers. Bureau of Prisons (BOP) employees have been instructed to keep quiet in respect to the current situation at FCI Oakdale.

I have discovered that there are a number of prisoners at FCI Oakdale who have been placed on ventilators and some have been transferred to local hospitals. The prognosis for those who have been placed on ventilators is not good.

Everyone in Amerika knows that COVID-19 is killing Black people at an alarming rate. We are still awaiting the demographic statistics from the White House as they relate to COVID-19 mortality in the Black community

I must ask: “How many of you have heard Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Deborah Birx or President Donald J. Trump mention the growing number of dying prisoners in Amerika?”

The U.S. federal government does not want free world people to begin to think about prisoners or detainees in ICE and DHS facilities. Their thinking is this: “Forget about prisoners’ lives. They deserve what they get! They are animals! Save yourselves – and let the prisoners die.”

Perhaps Trump and his sycophants don’t come right out and say this, but their actions and inactions speak volumes.

To CNN, Fox and other mainstream media outlets I say this: “Prisoners and detainees are people too! Our lives have meaning and we hurt and feel just like you hurt and feel.” But they don’t hear me!

I have friends here at USP Pollock who are from New York City. In fact, my cellmate, Tasheem Carter, is from New York City – Far Rockaway Queens to be exact. Tasheem has beloved family members who have recently contracted the deadly COVID-19 virus and they are literally fighting for their lives.

Can any of you imagine the frustration, hopelessness and pain felt by a human being trapped in federal prison while their loved ones perish during this national pandemic? The pain is real and has long term effects.

This is the reality for many Black and Latinx prisoners. The Trump White House refuses to acknowledge the horrible impact this pandemic is having on communities of color.

To add insult to injury, the Trump administration refuses to order ICE and DHS to test detainees for COVID-19! All that talk about testing and the U.S. government returning numerous COVID-19 infected detainees to Guatemala – it sounds shocking but is absolutely true.

I recommend that you read the expose by Molly O’Toole of the Los Angeles Times. Please read it and see the hypocrisy and lies emanating from these so-called public servants and health care professionals in the White House!

I’d like to know whether or not presidential candidate Joe Biden will comment on these glaring contradictions. We shall see. In the past neo-liberals like Hillary Clinton have labeled us as “superpredators.” Let’s hope that liberals and progressives in Amerika will view prisoners as people in 2020 and 2021.

In the state of Texas, we have seen a pattern where state officials refuse to provide detailed reports on the status of their nation leading prisoner population during the COVID-19 crisis.

I recently received a report from Austin, Texas, based activist Dr. John S. Dolley Jr. of Central Texas ABC. Dr. Dolley reported that one prison guard who worked at the Estelle Unit located in Huntsville, Texas, has died of COVID-19.

Dr. Dolley and I both questioned whether or not the Texas Department of Criminal Injustice conducted contact tracing in order to ascertain how many other employees and prisoners may have been infected by the deceased prison guard?

I do not expect full disclosure from this unscrupulous prison agency. TDCJ spokesperson Jeremy Desel and TDCJ Executive Director Bryan Collier have established a pattern of violating the public’s trust on many issues.

One of the main responsibilities of the media is to report on issues of public concern. We rarely see rigorous reporting or detailed accounts of what is happening inside of Texas prisons.

The families of prisoners all over the United States deserve transparency and accountability in regard to the treatment and the condition of their imprisoned loved ones. We must demand that TDCJ reveal how many prisoners have died because of COVID-19.

Let us demand that Texas Gov. Gregg Abbott tell us the truth. FREE ALL VULNERABLE AND ELDERLY PRISONERS FROM THE TEXAS DEATH KKKAMPS!

Free Alvaro Luna Hernandez! Free Jason Renard Walker!


Dare to struggle, Dare to win, All Power to the People!

Keith Malik Washington

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[Roma,Italy] Updates on the CPR of Ponte Galeria

via: https://brucerabrucera

From contacts with some of those locked up in the CPR of Ponte Galeria, we learn that at least three women are still being held in the female section. We don’t have news concerning the male section, but the number of prisoners is also decreasing there, as no newcomers have been reported. As repatriation flights are banned following the Covid-19 emergency, people are being released with expulsion orders because their detention time has ended (45 days for those who’ve just got out of prison and 180 for the others), appeals made by lawyers had gone through and, as in the case reported today by the Legal Clinic di Roma Tre [Legal Clinics are places where one can obtain pro bono legal advice and assistance] because a Tribunal rejected prorogation requests submitted by the Police.

Even if the declared aim of the Centres for Repatriation is the deportation of undocumented people, and this is not possible because of the impossibility of repatriation flights to the prisoners’ countries of origin due to the pandemic, the CPRs continue to exist and generate profits for those who get rich out of administrative detention: the State and the cooperatives that run the centres. This makes it obvious how the function of CPRs is actually a completely different one: acting as a form of constant blackmail for those who don’t have regular documents, intensifying the distinction between “good” migrants – who have fair reasons for claiming stay permits, follow the rules imposed on them in the reception centres, undertake forms of voluntary work called internships for integration – and “bad” migrants, the undesired,  not tolerated, marginalized section of society, who live in the constant condition of being imprisoned repeatedly, or being repatriated to the places they escaped from or never even knew. The distinction between the two conditions is feeble, as it is sufficient to lose one’s job or the requisites for a renewal of the stay permit to end up among the undesirable, or it’s sufficient to rebel against the oppressive and patronizing situation experienced in reception centres to be condemned and imprisoned in jails and CPRs. 

The virus that has been worrying us for years is the State, with all its structures of detention.

We know well what’s the only antidote, and those who have always rebelled against imprisonment know it even better: fire.

For everybody’s freedom, fire to all cages, jails and CPRs!

Enemies of all borders

Here is a statement issued by Legal Clinic di Roma Tre:



In recent days, the Tribunal of Rome confirmed the interpretation previously proposed relating to the detention of asylum seekers in the CPR of Ponte Galeria in the context of the Covid-19 health emergency and it has rejected five prorogation requests submitted by the Police of Rome, ordering the immediate release of the detained persons.

In the order attached to the post, the Tribunal justifies [its decision] with the prisoner’s right to health, which prevails over the necessity of immigration control, which in turn justifies detention, and with the very reason for the measure – as defined by “Repatriation Guidelines” – defaulting in the light of the impossibility to proceed with the repatriation of the detained persons.

Furthermore, the Tribunal highlights the positions taken by several international bodies, which declared to be in favour of the release of migrants held in detention centres, given the risks to human health linked to prolonged measures limiting personal freedom.

The decisions of the Tribunal of Rome and of other jurisdictional bodies on the national territory confirm what the Clinica – alongside several associations and social organizations – has been affirming since the beginning of the health emergency. The treatment of migrants stands today in clear contrast with the authority’s obligation to protect migrants’ health; and it is in open contradiction with the function – which by the way we think it is illegitimate – of facilitating the adoption of measures for repatriation to countries of origin.

Therefore we reiterate once again the necessity and urgency to close all CPRs, free the detained persons and offer adequate accommodations to those who don’t have a home where they can be safe.

Legal Clinic Roma Tre

Translated by act for freedom now!


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[Bologna, Italy] Greetings at the Dozza prison

via: roundrobin.info


In the morning of 16th April, in response to a call made by prisoners’ families in Rome and those in solidarity who supported them in publicly going outside Rebibbia prison walls again, a dozen comrades gathered

The voices from inside thanked us for being there and told us about the desperate conditions. They said that many prisoners are sick and that they had not been given face masks yet. After all, we already knew that Roberto Ragazzi, the chief responsible for prison health in the Bologna’s AUSL [a local health agency], in an internal memo dated 24th February had given instructions to all health workers not to use masks when seeing prisoners in the Dozza or visiting the prison infirmary and clinic, for fear of creating anxiety and tensions inside the structure. From inside we were also told that the prisoners had not been to the exercise yard for weeks and that they couldn’t have video phone calls in place of visits, but only one ten minute call a week, which they had to pay for.

After about 15 minutes the group of comrades was confronted with a disproportionate deployment of Digos, screws, police cars and antiriot cops, who stopped everyone and dealt out fines for breaching the [anti-virus] decree (the comrades were wearing gloves and masks, the cops were decisively less mindful of “preventive care” and didn’t even keep the 1-metre safety distance). The cops’ intervention took place at a spot where the comrades could be seen from the cells and so the prisoners’ solidarity made itself heard with shouts and insults against the cops, reversing the roles we are used to seeing.


Translated by act for freedom now!


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[Italy] To the Rebels and the Dead of Modena Prison

via actforfree

A letter from an incarcerated companion on the massacre in Modena Prison. [Published in Italian on Round Robin on March 19, 2020. Translated to French on Attaque on April 8, 2020. Most translator’s notes are from Attaque]

A little more than a week has passed since the revolt in Modena Prison, and the media has already forgotten the massacre that took place here and in the other prisons where revolt broke out, just a few days ago. Nine deaths in Modena alone.

I knew some of them because, until a month ago, we were in cells close together, and these days I’m thinking of them so much I can’t sleep.

They were men who, just before, were discussing what could be done to improve the developing situation.

Many prisoners found the atmosphere create by the new director Maria Martone hard to bear. Following the orders of the prison administration, she had been increasing restrictions by moving inmates between cells. “We need the space,” they told us in February, “you’ll have to make an effort.” All of this was accompanied by thinly veiled threats of being transfered or worse if the inmates didn’t passively go along with the the new director’s demands.

This atmosphere added to the usual problems in any place of confinement: negligence and harassment at the hands of men in uniform and of the prison bureaucracy, the horrible food, and the lack of proper healthcare (apart from, of course, psychiatric meds), in addition to the total solitude and despair of those abandoned with no help from outside. Fear of the virus was the straw that broke the camel’s back, loaded as it was with rage and despair, and it gave voice to the bodies and mouths of the oppressed who are locked up in prison through fault of society.

Far too much has been said about the revolt in Modena Prison, spitting on its dead and on all the prisoners inside. But almost no one has seriously examined its causes in depth. There was no need for a secret mastermind, you just need to understand that this was caused by the world of the prison itself and all the problems faced by those locked up. In moments of rage, fear and scepticism fall away and a mass of individuals comes together, each with their own pain, their own desire for redemption, and they find a way to express with courage and determination what it is to carry these years of state repression in their bodies.

Those who have never slept in a cell, behind an armoured door, can’t understand what it means to be in prison. All those who, like vultures, snatched up what happened don’t deserve to be listened to, because they don’t know what they’re talking about, since for them, all the dead are “Tunisian drug addicts”, or “scum” as some say. There are some who speak of installing ovens and burning them all alive.

We have of course seen people take these damn drugs, not everyone is able to deal with prison lucidly, but it doesn’t interest us that they say the infirmary was stormed and medication was abused. Our assessment of what happened is like a compass needle, pointing north even when it gets shaken, and so our finger points always in the same direction: the state is guilty of these deaths. From the individual guard to the volunteer from an agency who defended the actions of the administration and called for peace and security, from the ranking officer to minister Bonafeda, to those who, like Salvini, say “I told you so” [Alfonso Bonafede, the Italian justice minister, from the 5 star movement; Matteo Salvini, far-right politician with the League].

We told you so as well, but meaning something completely opposite from Salvini We fight for freedom for all, so a chasm separates us from him and his desire for a militarized prison. He complains that the guards had insufficient resources, but they were seen firing live rounds, and in photos we can clearly see one of the guards, in a warehouse, holding an automatic pistol as if aiming at someone? What resources were they lacking? Armoured vehicles? Assault rifles? Clubs? Fire hoses [their strong jets are often used to beat prisoners in segregation]? Helicopters?

Not only are the prisoners’ demands minimized, but their eminently political character is erased: what happened is not caused only by despair. No, the fact that the protests leaped from one prison to another makes it clear that only those whose freedom is taken away have yet managed a collective response to the restrictions imposed by the state for the coronavirus. There will be no going back to before, we hear this often these days, and that is also true for prisons. These revolts caused Rome to adopt ever stricter measures, since this is the only language a structure like the prison administration can understand. Future revolts will be repressed, and in the mean time, we hear more stories of the massive, ongoing beating of prisoners, whether they participated in the revolts or not.

Blows are the only form of communication coming from the ministry, to make the prisoners understand that they must never again dare to rebel, since the screws felt real fear this time and Italy looked bad internationally. In the meantime, inmates are transferred all over; we know that in Modena, the rebels were shipped out half naked and covered in bruises, and that their worried families are still waiting to be in direct contact with their loved ones.

For a few days, the balance of power was reversed. Inmates found the strength to come together (not all, sure, but still) in order to make their voices heard in a way that this country hasn’t seen in many years. The media have already set aside the news that, in reality, continues arriving from the families of inmates. This isn’t over, everyone knows, and some are calling for a more rational prison (we don’t know what this means), some want the army outside prisons, some call for prisoners to be locked in their cells. None of this will stop the rage of the men and women locked up, since it’s all the same structure that provoked the explosion of revolts like these, so often unexpected.

We’ve put up with too much these past years, and the most recent restrictions have made visible the suffering inherent in all prisons. We know that even those who didn’t participate in the revolts laughed in their hearts, because there is no better joy for a convict, someone who knows what it means to stay in a fucking cell, tha to know that a prison was shut down by revolt and that people escaped. And the exploited, those who today are passively enduring this freedomless period of total subjugation to the state and to experts, will one day remember those who were fighting from the start. All the exploited will suffer for what the state is trying to do through its various measures. We are only at the beginning of a long, new struggle that must be waged, that will make us really fight.

We on the outside, we need to spread word of these struggles and show our solidarity, by making the exploited understand that they aren’t at all irrational. There is a word, normally used sparingly, but considering what happened, deserves to be raised on the banners of future struggles against prison, and that word is vengeance. The silence about these men murdered by the prison system has become deafening. They deserve for us to remember them, now and in the future, to add a deeper meaning to the events of these times.

Trieste, March 16, 2020

Further reading:

Modena, Italy : Some updates about the revolt and the repression


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[Netherlands] Solidariteitsactie bij PI Lelystad

Zaterdagavond 18 april is er een actie gehouden bij de PI Lelystad. Dit in solidariteit met de gevangenen die in opstand zijn gekomen tegen de coronamaatregelen. Tijdens de demonstratie is er vuurwerk afgestoken, geluid gemaakt en zijn er leuzen geroepen. Er is contact geweest met de gevangenen die ook geluid hebben gemaakt en terug hebben geroepen.

Net als voor de rest van de maatschappij zijn er de afgelopen weken strenge maatregelen ingevoerd om de coronacrisis onder controle te houden. Zo ook in de PI Lelystad. Al weken zitten de gevangenen praktisch in isolatie. Op het moment dat ze in protest (1) gegaan zijn tegen deze maatregelen, is er hard tegen ze opgetreden. Vijftig gevangenen hadden korte tijd de keuken bezet en cipiers hebben als reactie pepperspray in deze gesloten ruimte gespoten, zonder waarschuwing. Inmiddels heeft de EORG (de Europese belangenorganisatie voor gedetineerden) een klacht ingediend tegen de gevangenisdirectie van de PI Lelystad (2).

Gevangenen worden tijdens deze crisis ook ingezet om mondkapjes te produceren (3) waar een hele samenleving nu afhankelijk van beweert te zijn. Zoals altijd moeten zij die onderdrukt, uitgebuit en opgesloten zitten hard(er) werken voor het welzijn van de samenleving waar zij geen deel meer van uit mogen maken. Sowieso is het werk in de gevangenis zwaar onderbetaald, terwijl de producten buiten de muren voor de marktprijs worden verkocht. Gevangenen worden gestraft als ze deze uitbuiting weigeren.

Wij uiten onze solidariteit met alle rebelse gevangenen.

En met een ieder in de zorg, tussen de schappen van de supermarkt en de migranten die zwoegen in de distributiecentra van Ahold en Jumbo. Solidariteit met allen die op dit moment worden geacht nog harder te werken dan ‘normaal’ (met wurgcontracten van louche uitzendbureaus). En iedereen waarvan wordt geëist naar werk te blijven gaan waar de rest van Nederland veilig vanuit huis kan werken.

Het ergste virus is het kapitalisme, de echte crisis haar normaliteit!

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[België] Acties aan gesloten centra

Vertaald door Pandemie vanop indymedia bxl

Op vrijdag 17 april verzamelden zich verschillende personen voor de gesloten centra 127 bis en de Caricole om de mensen, die er nog altijd opgesloten zitten, te steunen. Naast “Vrijheid, freedom, Houria!” werden ook “we vergeten jullie niet” als boodschappen ter steun gescandeerd.

Inderdaad, terwijl de besmetting van Covid 19 nog steeds aan de gang is, heeft de dienst vreemdelingenzaken nog altijd de mensen die in de centra opgesloten zijn niet vrijgelaten. Deze personen worden verwaarloosd en nog meer aan het virus blootgesteld: geen enkele hygiënemaatregel is genomen, dit terwijl er zelfs enkele leden van het personeel besmet zijn. De toegang tot zorg is bespottelijk of onbestaand.

De website Gettingthevoiceout.org verzamelt verschillende getuigenissen van personen die zijn opgesloten in de centra. Zonder deze getuigenissen zouden we noch op de hoogte zijn van de desastreuze leefomstandigheden noch van de strijden die daarbinnen gevoerd worden.

Zowel vandaag als morgen dienen deze centra definitief te verdwijnen. Als Covid doodt, de repressie ook. De dienst vreemdelingenzaken heeft enkele in vrijheidstellingen toegekend, maar de terugkeer naar de “normaliteit” riskeert een catastrofe te worden. De “normaliteit” voor de Belgische staat is opsluiting, razzia’s en uitzettingen. We moeten klaar staan voor het momenten dat de lockdown wordt opgeheven: klaar om de strijd te intensifiëren. We moeten ons organiseren zodat onze wijk niet overgelaten wordt aan de politie.

Ons organiseren zodat deze politie, die razzia’s houdt en doodt, niet opnieuw opsluit. Ons organiseren om een eind te maken aan de uitzettingen. We willen geen terugkeer naar de “normaliteit”. Want opsluiten en uitzetten is niet normaal, het gaat over de bestendiging van een structureel racisme van de staat. Laten we met velen strijden. En vooral, laten we klaar staan.

Vuur voor de gevangenissen en de gesloten centra!

#NoBorders !

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[België] Vuur(werk) voor de gevangenissen

Vertaald door Pandemie vanop indymedia bxl


Op deze familiefeest-maandag wilden enkele personen door vuurwerk af te steken, zichtbaar in de gevangenissen van Sint-Gillis en Vorst, een boodschap van steun sturen aan de opgesloten personen daarbinnen. Met boodschappen als “Solidariteit met de gevangenen” en “Vrijheid voor iedereen”, wilden ze de vergetenen van de “crisis” Covid-19 steunen.
Sinds meer dan een maand wordt de gevangenen bezoek ontzegd. Naast het feit dat ze zich zorgen maken over hen, hebben de opgeslotenen geen contact meer met hun naasten, ze hebben geen morele steun meer en kunnen enkel informatie verzamelen via hun minimale telefonische toegang.

Deze demonstratie geeft ook gehoor aan de revoltes die plaatsvinden in praktisch alle Belgische voorzieningen waar mensen opgesloten worden. De eisen zijn onder andere: veiligheid op vlak van gezondheid, de invrijheidstelling van gevangenen en gratis toegang tot de telefoon om zo een minimum aan relaties die ze hebben met de buitenwereld te onderhouden. Om hun levens te beschermen is de vrijlating van deze opgesloten personen een evidentie.

Vrijheid voor allen! Laten we alle gevangenissen verwoesten!

Noot: de kwaliteit van de foto geeft onvoldoende de kwaliteit van de vreugdekreten weer die vanuit deze beruchte kerkers ontsnapten.

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[Turin, Italy] Addresses of the arrested in Giulio Cesare street (19/04/2020)

The four comrades arrested yesterday [April 19, 2020] in Giulio Cesare street (Turin) are in “Le Vallette” prison on charges of aiding and abetting, resisting a public officer and causing injury. They are all fine and at the moment we still don’t know exactly when the hearing to validate the arrests will be scheduled. For those who would like to write or send them a telegram or a letter, here are the names and addresses.

Daniele Altoè, Giordana Laera, Maria Francesca Giordano, Samuele Cattini
C. C. “Lorusso e Cotugno”
via Maria Adelaide Aglietta 35
10151 Torino


In Giulio Cesare street is just the beginning

The now unbridled power of the police has manifested itself today in a catch that tasted like an assault. Shortly after lunch, under the occupation of 45, Giulio Cesare street, a dozen policemen stopped two men with an exaggerated exercise of force and without paying attention to the precautionary anti-infection measures. The violence of the action was such that it aroused the attention of the people in the area who, although locked in their homes, did not remain silent and many took to the streets. Among them also some comrades who began to rage against that brutality aggravated by the total and contemptuous disregard for the possible contagion. It is precisely those who effectively impose the lockdown and have the complete management of what happens in the streets of the cities that represent a further danger to health, beyond what their role normally grants them. Numerous police and army vehicles arrived as reinforcements and, in the face of a neighbourhood that was clearly hostile to them, began to put pressure on comrades who were thrown to the ground, dragged and taken away.

Dozens and dozens of individuals remained in the street and together with a few sympathizers who arrived later and hundreds of residents at the windows created a real protest.

With incredible speed came the first statements by the city citizen politicians from the right and left who, from the right and the left, compete in a disjointed manner for the title of who, over the years, have invoked the repression of anarchists most tenaciously. It seems clear that they are frightened by scenarios that they cannot even imagine because in Aurora neighbourhood the measure seems to be full and after weeks of forced domicile in narrow apartments, a life now literally reduced to starvation, towards the State and its representatives in uniform are beginning to see unequivocal signs of not forbearance.

In the popular neighbourhoods of the cities this could be just the beginning. In fact, there is news of a group of comrades who, in Milan, in the late afternoon, went from courtyard to courtyard, in the neighborhood of Ticinese, to tell about the events in Turin with a megaphone and that the response from the houses was of heartfelt and noisy solidarity with the arrested comrades.

There is still no certain news of them, we will soon report some updates. In the meantime, the newspapers say that they are under arrest and that forty people have been denounced for violation of the rules envisaged for the current coronavirus pandemic.

What happened today, as we said, seems to be only the beginning and it is no coincidence that it happened on the poorest streets of the city.

Freedom for Giordana, Marifra, Samu and Daniele!
Freedom for everyone!

[Italian text published in macerie.org].

Translated to English by insuscettibilediravvedimento


Torino, Italia: Indirizzi degli arrestati in corso Giulio Cesare (19/04/2020)

I quattro compagni arrestati ieri [19 aprile] in corso Giulio Cesare si trovano nel carcere delle Vallette con l’accusa di favoreggiamento, resistenza a pubblico ufficiale e lesioni. Stanno tutti bene e al momento non sappiamo ancora con precisione quando verrà fissata l’udienza di convalida degli arresti. Per chi volesse scrivere o mandar loro un telegramma ecco i nomi e l’indirizzo.

Daniele Altoè, Giordana Laera, Maria Francesca Giordano, Samuele Cattini
C. C. “Lorusso e Cotugno”
via Maria Adelaide Aglietta 35
10151 Torino


In corso Giulio Cesare è solo l’inizio

Il potere ormai a briglia sciolta della polizia si è manifestato oggi in maniera esemplificativa in un fermo che aveva il sapore di un’aggressione. Poco dopo pranzo, sotto all’occupazione di c.so Giulio Cesare 45 una decina di poliziotti hanno fermato due uomini con un esercizio di forza esagerato e senza badare alle misure precauzionali anti-contagio. La violenza dell’azione è stata tale da aver destato l’attenzione delle persone della zona che, seppur rinchiuse in casa, non sono rimaste zitte e molte sono scese in strada. Tra loro anche alcuni compagni che hanno iniziato a inveire contro quella brutalità aggravata dalla totale e sprezzante noncuranza del possibile contagio. Proprio coloro che impongono fattualmente il lockdown e hanno la gestione completa di ciò che avviene nelle strade delle città rappresentano un ulteriore pericolo alla salute, oltre quello che il loro ruolo gli concede normalmente. Numerosi mezzi della polizia e dell’esercito sono arrivati di rinforzo e, di fronte a un quartiere a loro palesemente ostile, hanno iniziato a far pressione sui compagni che sono stati buttati a terra, trascinati e portati via.

Decine e decine di individui sono rimasti in strada e insieme a qualche solidale arrivato dopo e a centinaia di residenti alle finestre hanno inscenato una vera e propria protesta.

Con incredibile velocità sono arrivate le prime dichiarazioni dei politici cittadini che da destra e sinistra si contendono in maniera scomposta il titolo di chi avesse invocato la repressione degli anarchici più tenacemente negli anni. Sembra palese che siano spaventati da scenari che non riescono neanche a immaginare perché in Aurora la misura pare essere colma e dopo settimane di domiciliamento forzato in angusti appartamenti, una vita ridotta ormai letteralmente alla fame, verso lo Stato e i suoi rappresentanti in divisa si iniziano a vedere inequivocabili segni d’insopportazione.

Nei quartieri popolari delle città potrebbe essere solo l’inizio. Si ha infatti notizia di un gruppo di compagni che a Milano, nel tardo pomeriggio, sono andati di cortile in cortile, in zona ticinese, a raccontare degli avvenimenti di Torino col megafono e che la risposta dalle case sia stata di accorata e rumorosa solidarietà ai compagni arrestati.

Di loro ancora non si hanno notizie certe, riporteremo presto aggiornamenti. Intanto i giornali dicono che sarebbero in arresto e che quaranta persone sarebbero state denunciate per violazione delle norme della pandemia.

Quello che è avvenuto oggi, come dicavamo, sembrerebbe essere solo l’inizio e non è un caso che sia avvenuto tra le vie più povere della città.

Giordana, Marifra, Samu e Daniele liberi!
Tutti liberi, tutte libere!

[Tratto da macerie.org].

via: insuscettibilediravvedimento

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