Internationale Solidariteitsweek Chileense Gevangenen


Oproep tot internationale steun voor de Chileense kameraden in de gevangenis.

Van 3 tot en met 9 februari vind in Gent een solidariteitsweek plaats met lezingen, optredens, volkskeukens,… Meer info hierover volgt binnenkort!



Text of the call:

After more than 80 days since the popular revolt started in Chile, the
struggle and social organising persists, with an unyielding conviction
to confront and break with this economic and power model which has
perpetuated inequalities, injustices and abuses for decades.  Without a
doubt, the revolt that is still in the air in Chile has meant an
inflection point, a point of no return in a long road of struggles, but
it has also brought heavy costs with it: Hundreds and hundreds of
prisoners of this territory. Every week this number increases. In a
clear phenomenon of massive arrests, the state looks to scare and
criminalise social protests. We talk about political prisoners of the
revolt because the massive arrests of those fighting after the explosion
of the revolt on the 18th of October responds to a political decision of
the state and not to technical or judiciary criteria, putting in
evidence the complicities of the different powers of the state, all with
the purpose of perpetuating the existing control model.

That is why we make this International call of solidarity with the
prisoners of the revolt, to expose the political condition of their
imprisonment and demand their immediate freedom. We extend this call and
appeal to the many initiatives and solidarity actions that may appear in
each territory.

International Week of Solidarity with the prisoners of the revolt in
Chile: January 13th to 19th 2020

Those who forget political prisoners forget the struggle!
Immediate freedom for the prisoners of the revolt!

Coordinating Committee for the Freedom of the Political Prisoners of
October 18th

As A-Radio Berlin we have recorded a call by the Coordinating Committee
for the Freedom of the Political Prisoners of October 18th.

You’ll find the audio (to listen online or download in different sizes)

Length: 2:43 min

You can find other English and Spanish language audios here:

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