Naar goede gewoonte vonden er tijdens de nacht van de jaarwisseling weer lawaai- en vuurwerk demo’s plaats bij gevangenissen over heel de wereld. Deze traditie probeert mensen aan de binnenkant van de muren te tonen dat ze niet alleen staan in hun strijd, dat er aan de buitenkant aan hun gedacht wordt, dat er actie ondernomen wordt.
Solidariteit tot iedereen vrij is!
Deze beelden doken in de afgelopen week op:
Vrouwengevangenis Nieuwersluis, NL
Philadelphia, USA
Quebec City Detention Center, Canada
“January 31th, 2019
Around 7:00 p.m., a group of people gathered in the woods on the outskirts of the Quebec City Detention Center to display their support for those detained. The institution receives prisoners who are serving sentences of less than two years and defendants awaiting trial. The establishment can accommodate more than 710 male prisoners, it is the second largest provincial detention establishment in Quebec, after the Bordeaux Prison. The prison also has a female section which has 56 regular places. At the time of the night visit, about 15 prisoners were in the outer courtyard when fireworks and flares were lit, offering them a bright message of Happy New Year. Enthusiastic wishes and screams were exchanged on both sides before the security tried to control the situation. The action concluded without arrests.”
P. Ralli, Athene, Griekenland